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Sheila Moss

Descendant of

Henry “Peg” Gilbert

Henry “Peg” Gilbert
lynched in
Sheila Moss

County jail in Harris County, GA

Mr. Gilbert was a prosperous farmer and church deacon murdered in 1947 by Police Chief W. H. Buchanan in the county jail. Gilbert was being held for allegedly aiding and hiding Gus Davidson, a man accused of murder. Chief Buchanan claimed Gilbert attacked him in jail.

Burial Site




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One or more perpetrators convicted at trial

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A small headshot of this descendant
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Sheila Moss-Brown is the granddaughter of Henry Peg Gilbert. Her grandfather was a prosperous farmer, homeowner, entrepreneur, who was lynched in 1947 in Harris County, near Lagrange, Georgia. Sheila is a medical device sales representative. She originates from Detroit, Michigan, and currently living in Chicago. Sheila’s mother—Henry’s only living daughter—lives and resides in Detroit.

Descendant family centered in

Detroit, MI

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